Today in our first day of a week-long Preston-free (in a physical sense) learning environment, we first got the information needed to join "College Boot Camp". It literally felt like a live blog post, seeing all my friends eagerly read what universities I put down on my boot camp registration form, like we did in the beginning of the school year. After that was over with, I worked on my journal entry concerning language+reality which took some time. I briefly discussed the Beowulf questions with my collaboration partner, Sophia Gomez and pretty much after that, the class ended. Overall, the fact that the class time was 30 minutes interfered with productivity and efficiency. I'm anticipating that tomorrow will be more work-suitable and I'll actually get a lot done within the class period. Hoping Dr. Preston is enjoying his time in London and spreading the idea of OSL to all those he meets! (:


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All I know is that I will not soley define myself as "RHS Senior".