The time has come. Edgar was nervous, however, excited- almost forcing himself to put a smile on his face because he knew this was for the best. His legs could not stop shaking and his body could not stop twitching. Nerves. However, as he fidgeted, he felt anticipation, pride, and overall happiness as he was beginning the new and biggest (up-to-date) chapter of his life. Feeling the Los Angeles heat on his skin, Edgar was looking back on his journey up to this moment as he was taking out the boxes of his items for his dorm from his parents car's trunk. All the scholarships he had to apply for, all the time and effort he spent fixing and editing his personal statement. All the headaches from figuring out financial aid, all the time he spent in high school busting his back so he can be the biggest, brightest high school student to apply for every college he chose to apply to. The pain he felt at the lowest points of his life, the negativity, the sorrow, the tears, the grueling and heart-wrenching pain he endured and kept to himself for the longest time, it lead up to this moment- now as a legal adult, attending USC perusing his dreams to be a worldwide leader in civil rights while establishing a career in the entertainer industry, reaching out to peoples lives every minute of the day. He knew that all the late nights spent either finishing projects, volunteering, working, or recovering from a life struggle lead to this moment because he worked hard during those times. He never gave up, Edgar always remained the strongest no matter what life threw at his way because he always knew that one day he would end up here. He imagined Hollywood calling his name, however snapped out of it and went back to his determined mindset that the hard part hasn't ended. In fact, it hasn't even started yet, but he was ready for it. Edgar, the strong (beautiful) high school graduate was ready to change the world starting in LA.


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Meet The Author

All I know is that I will not soley define myself as "RHS Senior".