Dickens progresses the plot of his stories through characterization, it's one of the biggest literary techniques he uses. From David Copperfield to Great Expectations, Dickens uses his characters and their individual stories to weave a big ultimate story. It is stated that Dickens is one, if not, the best creator of characters in literary history. All of the characters' conflict, successes, general events that happen in their lives, even their names intertwine with those of the other charterers and their backgrounds. Salinger is saying that Holden Caulfield's story and character are not going to be this deep, metaphorical trip in which the plot revolves around, he doesn't want his character to have the sort of sad life that readers will incline to sympathize/empathize (like those of Dickens). Salinger wants to make it clear that his work and the characters he creates shouldn't be directly related to that of David Copperfield even though there are similarities between them. Salinger acknowledges and embraces the differences there is between them and that is how he wants to portray his characters/work (specifically in Catcher in the Rye).


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All I know is that I will not soley define myself as "RHS Senior".