Siddhartha - Active Reading Notes

The overall theme of the excerpt, in my perspective, is self-discovery. There's a process that goes along with that, Siddhartha was living in an aristocratic state and lost himself- he suddenly fell into this blank state of confusion and loss. Despair hit him hard when he longed to find out who he really was and what his life's purpose truly was. After this state of depression and self-exploration, Siddhartha discovered who he really was and happily embraced it ("...more Siddhartha than ever"...). This tells the readers that despite what obstacles life has in store for you, you will overcome them. The only limitation is your motivation. (snakes in your path). When one awakens and starts questioning who he/she really is, it seems awful at the time. You don't know what or who your living for (yourself!), however the excerpt tells us that this awakening is amazing. The epiphany Siddhartha had allowed him to live his life in a way he was happy with, the true life that Siddhartha longed to live for.


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