When Dr. Preston introduced us to Netvibes, I was excited. Finally, a reliable source to view all my online feeds, whether it be social media or authentic news stories, on one page. I tried it out and was slightly impressed by the way Netvibes carried itself in the presentation of my online feeds. However, (yes- the infamous 'however' which leads to complaints, sorrows, and disappointments) I would not use Netvibes as an" official" replacement to all my online feeds. Personally, I prefer to view social media and emails in its entirety, I never wanna miss a thing so I'd rather get the big picture than the mere summary of it all. However, Netvibes is convenient with catching up on news stories around the globe that are associated with a variety of topics. It could be efficient to help someone in need of cyber organization, but I'm accustomed to the habits in which I live in which keeps mine and everybody's lives running (see Phonar14). In my case, Netvibes is awesome for news and current events. I'll also add/keep the social media and "all of that stuff" to my dashboard because you never know what might lead to what. Never waste an opportunity in gaining new knowledge of the world. Whether it be the real world, or one's own personal world. Overall, Netvibes is kind of cool, I encourage everybody to try something new.


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All I know is that I will not soley define myself as "RHS Senior".