Vocabulary #5

shenaniganssecret or dishonest activity or maneuver

If you want to make some significant memories, you have to come up and pull off some ridiculous shenanigan in life, just don't hurt anyone and never get caught. 

ricochet -a glancing rebound

After a life struggle, the only option one has to see the positivity in life again is to ricochet; never let anything in life ruin or disrupt your journey permanently. 

schism - division of a group into opposing factions

Let's get rid of schisms and become a whole to progress in our world to equality. 

eschew -  avoid and stay away from deliberately

I tend to eschew from people who are either going to hold me back in my ability to achieve my full potential/success or people who just plain annoy me and don't contribute to my knowledge of the world with the words he/she says.

plethora - extreme excess

When in a buffet, be sure not to get a plethora of food because you don't want to end up wasting it, use common sense. 

ebullient -  joyously unrestrained

A life goal of mine is to live in a complete state of ebuillent-cy where nothing or no one harshes my mood and disrupts my vibes.

garrulous - full of trivial conversation

I'd imagine a conversation with an older man who loves to tell stories and talk to strangers to be garrulous.

harangue - a loud bombastic declamation expressed with strong emotion

If an insignificant claim is presented in a harangue way, I'm going to have some colorful words to say to the that person. 

interdependence - a reciprocal relation between interdependent entities (objects or individuals or groups)

If a branch of an interdependent tree falls, chaos and instability is to come.

capricious - determined by chance or impulse or whim rather than by necessity or reason

When in a rush, one may make a capricious decision which will either be beneficial or regrettable to one.

loquacious - (see garrulous)

ephemeral - lasting a very short time

Indolence may be a factor to make one's run in being efficient ephemeral

inchoate - only partly in existence; imperfectly formed

When one is alone, one may feel that their friends are inchoate.

juxtapose -  place side by side

The perfect juxtaposition to describe the Central Coast of California would be driving through a road where there is a beach on one side of the road and an agricultural field on the other, that's all you need to know.

perspicacious - acutely insightful and wise; mentally acute or penetratingly discerning

The elderly are not only people who are perspicacious, many people have been forced to grow up at an early age of his/her life. 

codswallop - nonsensical talk or writing

Most of the mainstream music on the Billboard and iTunes Top Ten Chart(s) are very codswallop, which is a shame for the music industry. 

mungo- a fibrous woolen material generated from waste fabric

Most clothes that students wear at my school seem like they're totally made out of mungo

sesquipedalian - characterized by long winded words

Don't involve yourself in sesquipedalian characterization. Stay simple, stupid. 

wonky - inclined to shake as from weakness or defect; turned or twisted toward one side

Stay strong, don't go wonky on me now.

diphthong - a vowel sound that starts near the articulatory position for one vowel and moves toward the position for another

I remember the word diphthong from my Spanish for Spanish-Speakers 1 class lol. 


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All I know is that I will not soley define myself as "RHS Senior".